Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Importance Of Positive Interactions Children And Young People Essay

The Importance Of Positive Interactions Children And Young People Essay It may be hard to establish a positive relationship with a child at first, the early years practitioners need to really get to know the children in their care in order to respond to them adequately. They need to know their interests, what frightens them or worries them, what makes them happy and sad and what annoys them. They need to be aware at what triggers their moods and they need to work out how to get each individual child to respond to them, trust them and open up to them and this is not very easy. Getting to know a child can be very difficult because they may be shy and may not like being around strangers and they also might be experiencing separation anxiety from their parents and may also be very wary of the setting they are in early years practitioners need to be aware that toys and games are no substitute for a warm and trusting relationship with an adult, who is actually interested in the child. Adults are a childs best resource and role model and by giving a child your complete attention are better than any toy or gadget. Most children long to be accepted in their surroundings and feel the need to belong and that their beliefs and opinions are respected and valued. By positively interacting with a child you will get to know that child really well, you will begin to understand what they like and dislike and once you know this you can plan appropriate activities for them to develop. A positive interaction with the child should start as soon as they come in in the morning by making sure the way you greet them is an extremely positive one as this is the most upsetting time for the child when their parents leave them. As the children get involved in activities you should be able to focus on what the child is saying and try and become a part of the conversation this lets the child think they are in the lead and you are taking direction from them and not the opposite way around, but there also maybe times when the child does not want or need input from a n adult and by knowing the child you should know when to step back and quietly observe instead. All this comes from experience and how well you know the child, as you grow practitioner you will instinctively know when to intervene or simply just stand back and let the child explore. With all children they are all completely different and some children will open up to you very easily as some children thrive on adult attention .however some children will not be so keen to open up and it will be extremely hard to build a positive relationship. They may find it difficult for a number of reasons for example they may be shy ,they may be experiencing problems outside the setting, they maybe unwell or just tired whatever the reason if the child has been in the setting for some time you should instantly tell why the child is being quiet or withdrawn and t maybe a good idea to have a word with the childs parents but if the child is new to the setting and are finding it difficult to settle in , it maybe that they are not interacting or communicating with anyone in the setting . Its down to the early years practitioners to try and find a way to get to know them better this might be a lot easier if you talk to the parents and find out the childs interests, try and spend quality time with the child on a one to one basis so you can gradually build up their trust. a child shouldnt be forced into mixing with others till they are ready to do so they may just like to watch and adjust to their new setting .books can be extremely good by getting the child to interact, find out what their favourite story is and offer to read it to them this may encourage the child to talk about the story. It is very important that your child as a positive relationship with their practitioner as the child may spend 5-7 hours a day with them. Interacting positively with the child from an early age is the basis for a good relationship which benefits the children immensely by positively interacting wit h the child they get one on one time with the practitioner and produce a positive relationship between them. By having a positive relationship it helps develop the childs cognitive skills , social emotional and language skills ; children not only obtain language and social skills but they also develop sensitivity , the ability to talk out their problems, encouragement and the ability to ask questions . teacher child interactions are most developmentally appropriate when the teacher responds quickly , directly and warmly to the children this provides a variety of opportunities to engage in 2 way conversations and identifies and elaborates on the feelings , interests and activities of the children teachers which react in a sensitive and positive way are more likely to develop positive and nurturing relationships which is a key to a childs security , increasing the likelihood that the child will explore their environment giving them more opportunity to learn . 3.2. Describe why it is necessary to listen to children and effective ways of doing this. Children need to talk excessively and constantly and whilst we hear what they are saying do we really listen to them? If you ask children about adults who they like to be with, time and time again they will tell you, someone who they can talk to. Listening is an integral part of working effectively with children of all ages. It needs to begin when children are babies; babies need to see responses to their early vocalisation. Adults working with babies may smile, pick up a baby and reply by expanding the vocalisation. Later as children become more fluent speakers, the need to learn the skills of listening. Contrary to popular belief, this is not learnt by keeping them still and quiet, listening is actually an active skill and children need to learn to respond appropriately. they can do this if adults are actively listening to them . Active listening is more than just hearing: it involves thinking about what the other person (in this case a child) is trying to convey. Active listening also means giving a child your full attention, this can be hard in busy settings, but need to be prioritised. In most settings opportunities for active listening are linked to layout and routines. Preparing the fruit for snack time and wiping tables are examples of tasks can be done with a child chatting alongside. The key is to make sure children feel relaxed and they know that you are not in a rush or likely to be distracted. By listening closely to children we can identify their needs and capabilities and interests and also helps them build on their confidence and self esteem. we can use this knowledge to plan activities and decide how to extend these activities in order to promote the childs learning in all areas of learning and development , some children take a while before they really get round to talking . This is one reason why it is important to create situations where you are not rushed. A child may simply begin by just wanting to be with you and gradually begin to want t o talk. Some children also need visual props and cues to help them. This is particular important in younger children. As well as children whom the language of the setting is not their own language. A child who cannot tell you cannot tell you what they want is likely to grab what they need by behaving badly. To listen to what a childs saying you need to give the child your full attention and make sure you know that you have done so face them, look them in the eye, lean in towards them and respond to what they are saying, do not deny or reject what they are saying. It is also important to remember that when we talk about listening to children we do not simply mean taking into account what they are saying through there spoken word. There are many ways in which a child can communicate or even very young babies or children with a developmental delay or disability can communicate in a number of ways. These children must also be listened to and their feelings taken into account. Early year s practitioners need to learn how to identify the right moment when to intervene in a childs conversation without taking control or finishing sentences for them you can do this by trying to expand on what they are saying through asking appropriate questions or giving relevant opinions. If a child begins to feel like what they have to say is of no consequence and you are not likely to take into account their opinions they will cease to voice them, speaking and listening are fundamental to everything we do everyday. A childs communication skills need to be targeted daily. Their ability to talk and express themselves need to be nurtured and the best way this can be done is for early years practitioners to listen intently to what they have to say. We may not always agree with them and it may not always be possible to let them have what they request. However it is possible for us to listen to them and respond to them in an adequate and effective manner. 3.3 summarise the importance of spontaneous play and how this can be achieved in early years settings. Given the opportunity children play spontaneously which means they provide their own motivation to play and act without intervention of an adult .the time and type of play is totally decided by the child and activities can be stopped and taken up at will. Playing to the child is just spontaneous and may not have any goal or conclusion. Spontaneous play can be extremely effective and practitioners should make use of unexpected opportunities. It is essential that all early years workers understand and value spontaneous play in order to become sensitive facilitators. While most children embark on spontaneous play willingly, adults need to make the right provisions. It is important to remember that every child is an individual with their own needs and during development these needs change. facilitating spontaneous play requires careful planning , anticipating the next stage and adapting resources to fulfil the need of the providing play , space ,resources , time and friends nee d to be considered. Appropriate space should be set aside for play. It should be big enough for free ranging activities for a child in relation to the childs developmental changes, play space should be safe and should have opportunities for exploration and investigation by the child. Provide stimulating resources that are appropriate for the specific child, resources should be easily obtainable and representable of a multi-cultural society and they all should be checked for safety. Spontaneous play depends on the child being given the opportunity to engage in activities without interruption. They should be given enough time to do the specific play activity. At all stages of development children need playmates it is important for them to interact with children. Enthusiasm and encouragement from adults should be available when the children need it.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Seven

Here's what I did when my dad took me down to Phoenix: I visited my own grave. Clearly, this needs an explanation. I was born and lived the first four years of my life on Phoenix. Near where I lived, there is a cemetery. In that cemetery is a headstone, and on that headstone are three names: Cheryl Boutin, Charles Boutin and Zoe Boutin. My mother's name is there because she is actually buried there; I remember being there for her funeral and seeing her shroud put into the ground. My father's name is there because for many years people believed his body was there. It's not. His body lies on a planet named Arist, where he and I lived for a time with the Obin. There is a body buried here, though, one that looks like my father and has the same genes as he does. How it got there is a really complicated story. My name is there because before my father and I lived on Arist, he thought for a time that I had been killed in the attack on Covell, the space station he and I had lived on. There was no body, obviously, because I was still alive; my father just didn't know it. He had my name and dates carved into the headstone before he was told I was still around. And so there you have it: three names, two bodies, one grave. The only place where my biological family exists, in any form, anywhere in the universe. In one sense, I'm an orphan, and profoundly so: My mother and father were only children, and their parents were dead before I was born. It's possible I have second cousins twice removed somewhere on Phoenix, but I've never met them and wouldn't know what to say to them even if they existed. Really, what do you say? â€Å"Hi, we share about four percent of our genetic makeup, let's be friends†? The fact is, I'm the last of my line, the last member of the Boutin family, unless and until I decide to start having babies. Now, there's a thought. I'm going to table it for now. In one sense I was an orphan. But in another sense†¦ Well. First, my dad was standing behind me, watching me as I was kneeling down to look at the headstone my name was on. I don't know how it is with other adoptees, but I can say that there never was a time with John and Jane that I didn't feel cherished and loved and theirs. Even when I was going through that early puberty phase where I think I said â€Å"I hate you† and â€Å"Just leave me alone† six times daily and ten times on Sunday. I would have abandoned me at the bus stop, that's for sure. John told me that back when he lived on Earth, he had a son, and his son had a boy, Adam, who would have been just about my age, which technically made me an aunt. I thought that was pretty neat. Going from having no family on the one hand to being someone's aunt on the other is a fun trick. I told that to Dad; he said â€Å"you contain multitudes,† and then walked around with a smile for hours. I finally got him to explain it to me. That Walt Whitman, he knew what he was talking about. Second, there were Hickory and Dickory to the side of me, twitching and trembling with emotional energy, because they were at the gravesite of my father, even if my father wasn't buried there, and never was. It didn't matter. They were worked up because of what it represented. Through my father, I guess you could say I was adopted by the Obin, too, although my relationship to them wasn't exactly like being someone's daughter, or their aunt. It was a little closer to being their goddess. A goddess for an entire race of people. Or, I don't know. Maybe something that sounds less egotistical: patron saint, or racial icon or mascot or something. It was hard to put into words; it was hard to even wrap my brain around most days. It's not like I was put on a throne; most goddesses I know about don't have homework and have to pick up dog poop. If this is what being an icon is all about, on a day-today basis it's not terribly exciting. But then I think about the fact that Hickory and Dickory live with me and have spent their lives with me because their government made it a demand of my government when the two of them signed a peace pact. I am actually a treaty condition between two intelligent races of creatures. What do you do with that sort of fact? Well, I tried to use it once: When I was younger I tried to argue with Jane that I should be able to stay up late one night because I had special status under treaty law. I thought that was pretty clever. Her response was to haul out the entire thousand-page treaty – I didn't even know we had a physical copy – and invite me to find the part of the treaty that said I always got to have my way. I stomped over to Hickory and Dickory and demanded they tell Mom to let me do what I wanted; Hickory told me they would have to file a request to their government for guidance, and it would take several days, by which time I would already have to be in bed. It was my first exposure to the tyranny of bureaucracy. What I do know that it means is that I belong to the Obin. Even at that moment in front of the grave, Hickory and Dickory were recording it into their consciousness machines, the machines my father made for them. They would be stored and sent to all the other Obin. Every other Obin would stand here with me, as I knelt at my grave and the grave of my parents, tracing their names and mine with my finger. I belong. I belong to John and Jane; I belong to Hickory and Dickory and every Obin. And yet for all that, for all the connection I feel – for all the connection I have – there are times when I feel alone, and I have the sensation of drifting and not connecting at all. Maybe that's just what you do when you're this age; you have your stretches of alienation. Maybe to find yourself you've got to feel like you're unplugged. Maybe everyone goes through this. What I knew, though, there at the grave, my grave, was that I was having one of those moments. I had been here before, to this grave. First when my mother was buried, and then, a few years later, when Jane brought me here to say good-bye to both my mother and father. All the people who know me have gone away, I said to her. All of my people are gone. And then she came over to me and asked me to live with her and John, in a new place. Asked me to let her and John be my new people. I touched the jade elephant at my neck and smiled, thinking of Jane. Who am I? Who are my people? Who do I belong to? Questions with easy answers and no answers. I belong to my family and to the Obin and sometimes to no one at all. I am a daughter and goddess and girl who sometimes just doesn't know who she is or what she wants. My brain rattles around my head with this stuff and gives me a headache. I wish I were alone here. I'm glad John's with me. I want to see my new friend Gretchen and make sarcastic comments until we burst out laughing. I want to go to my stateroom on the Magellan, turn off the light, hug my dog, and cry. I want to leave this stupid cemetery. I don't ever want to leave it because I know I'm never coming back to it. This is my last time with my people, the ones who are already gone. Sometimes I don't know if my life is complicated, or if it's that I just think too much about things. I knelt at the grave, thought some more, and tried to find a way to say a last good-bye to my mother and father and to keep them with me, to stay and to go, to be the daughter and goddess and girl who doesn't know what she wants, all at once, and to belong to everyone and keep myself. It took a while.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Illegal Immigration And The United States - 1135 Words

Illegal immigration has been a controversial topic over several years in America, but it has come to light in recent years because of the dramatic increase of Latino individuals crossing the southern border of the United States. This requires multiple people in multiple sections of our government, whether it is politicians, federal law enforcement agencies, or local police, to work together flawlessly to police and combat the current predicament in our nation. Throughout this paper, I am going to discuss the reasons illegal immigrants come to America, the effects it has on our nation, and potential solutions to effectively police and control the problem of illegal immigration along the porous southern border of the United States of America. First, to be able to effectively and efficiently police illegal immigration, one must first know what is classified as an â€Å"illegal† immigrant. Michael LeMay states in his book, â€Å"Illegal Immigration†, that there are two main types of illegal immigrants. The first type, which is the one that many people think of, is that someone from another country comes over to the United States via ships, cars, or walking, without proper or any form of paperwork. The second type of illegal immigration is, how LeMay puts it, â€Å"The visa over stayer†. This is when an immigrant comes over with a temporary visa and stays inside the states after the visa has expired (1). For the sake of this paper, it will be referring to type one of the two main types ofShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration And The United States1573 Words   |  7 Pagesmillion illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States furthermore, for the United States economy. The correctional prerequisites against migrants were added to enactment to protect it from feedback that acquittal is absolution without outcome. Immigration makes a difference among everybody, and Congress ought to be doing everything in its energy to make it as simple as feasible for settlers to live and work lawfully what s more, openly in the United States. The United States is knownRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1315 Words   |  6 PagesFor ages, the United States has seemed to be the country where people seek to move to for a better life. The United States was built on immigrants. People have always migrated to the United States both legally and illegally. The main problem the country has face with immigrants is the amount that trespass the border illegally. Illegal immigration is the unlawful act of crossing a national border(Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons). The illegal immigrant population keeps growing at an annual averageRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States969 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican businessman, politician, television personality, and author, is the presumptive of the y for president of the United States in 2016having won the most state primaries and caucuses and delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention. Trump’s positions in opposition to illegal immigration, various free trade agreements that he believes are unfair, and most military interventionism have earned him particular support among blue-collar voters and voters without college degrees. Many of hisRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1486 Words   |  6 PagesIllegal immigration has been an issue in the United States for a long time so the issues that come with it should not be a surprise. America was established on the basis of newcomers settling here from abroad. Recently though, thousands of illegal immigrants have come into the U.S. through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico which has created a new an unanticipated issue for the U.S., in the past immigrants came from Europe and passed through the Ellis Island stationRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The United States1805 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal immigration is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Some c ountries have millions of illegal immigrants. Immigration, including illegal immigration, is overwhelmingly upward, from a poorer to a richer country. The easy definition of an undocumented immigrant is someone who was not born in the United States and therefore has no legal right to be or remain in the United States. Not all undocumented immigrantsRead MoreIllegal Immigration : The United States1876 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal Immigration Due to the economic benefits of immigrant labor, the dangers of central American countries, and the basic human rights of noncitizens, the US government must grant amnesty to undocumented immigrants. Illegal immigration has become a rising issue in the US over the past few years, and it will continue to heat up coming into this year s presidential election. This issue is also very present in the local community due to it’s diversity and large Hispanic population. GenerallyRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States1864 Words   |  8 PagesIllegal Immigration In The United States: A Controversial Debate Illegal immigration is an on-going issue, which is of much importance in the United States today. It has been overlooked for many years, however it has reached a point where it can no longer be ignored. Most of the illegal immigrants, 54% to be exact, come through the Mexican border. (Hayes 5) Since the early 1980’s, the number of illegal Mexican immigrants has risen at an incredible rate, causing the United States government to takeRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States Essay2094 Words   |  9 PagesIllegal Immigration in the United States Illegal Immigration in the United States The United States (US) has always been viewed as the land of opportunity because it is the only true free country in the world. This being the case people have been fighting their way into the country for decades. However, it is becoming more and more of a problem each decade that passes. With the United States border being so close to Mexico it is now seeing the highest population of illegal immigrants toRead MoreDeportation: Immigration to the United States and Illegal Alien2373 Words   |  10 Pagesadvance because of the way the immigration process works. However, one thing we all had in mind, was to see the light of a different country, see different faces and hopefully find ways to stay. Once the airplane took off, words was already spread all over the office of Haiti air in Florida that the airplane left Haiti with more than 30 Haitian illegal on board. The first few 2 hours spent at the arrival office was like a discovery of a new world for every single illegal in that group. This was oneRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Immigration In The United States1091 Words   |  5 Pagesarrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes. (De Leon, K) The new legislation, created by California Senate President Kevin de Leon, officially makes the state of California a â€Å"sanctuary state†. Previously, de Leon determined that Donald Trump is a racist because of his positions on immigration; most notably, Trump’s attempt to defund cities that considered themselves sanctuaries. In a debate that is becoming increasingly more polarized, Brown sought to protect illegal immigrants against

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Police Brutality By Alfred Sharpton Jr - 2264 Words

Police brutality is an often occurrence in the United States and the world, mostly because of unstable officers, or officers feeling as if they are above the law. Unfortunately, we see cases of police brutality on the Television or online news sources at least once a month and sometimes more. Most definitely more measures need to be taken to prevent and avoid any further police brutality. Some people say that we need to eliminate our police forces altogether, which is an extremely ignorant decision, because only a very small percentage of our police force is corrupt, the rest perform their jobs as instructed, and don’t abuse citizens. If we eliminated our entire police force we would have an additional surplus of problems because there would be no one to arrest people, or to stop crimes from being committed. To quote Alfred Sharpton Jr, an American Baptist minister and civil rights activist, We re not anti-police... we re anti-police brutality.. Numerous people claim that many police brutality cases, such as the Michael Brown case, the Trayvon Martin case, or the Tamir Rice case, are the result of racist officers. It is true that in some police brutality cases, racism towards the victim is apparent. Especially earlier in the 20th century and before, when many people were prejudiced against blacks, and other ethnic minorities. But more often than not, police brutality cases are not racist, even if the officer is white and the victim is a minority. Every case of police